Common Ownership and Product Market Competition: Evidence from Advertising
主讲人:戚亚烜 香港城市大学副教授
主持人:尚华 德甲买球德甲买球副教授
戚亚烜,博士, 2007年获得新泽西州立大学Rutgers金融学博士学位,目前担任香港城市大学商德甲买球经济金融系副教授,主要研究领域包括公司金融,法律和金融等。研究成果发表于Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, The Accounting Review, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Banking and Finance 等国际权威期刊。目前担任Journal of Financial Stability Associated Editor.
This paper examines how common ownership influences firms' advertising strategies and product market competition. We demonstrate that the impact of common ownership on advertising intensity is contingent on the externality of advertising on competitors. Using index inclusions of rival firms as an exogenous shock to ownership structure, we find a generally positive effect of common ownership on advertising intensity, suggesting that common ownership facilitates the internalization of the positive externality of advertising. Moreover, this effect is more pronounced when consumer demand is more sensitive to advertising and firms have more market power.